How Humble Am I?
Last night I, Marie was in line at the supermarket cashier. A man arrived with 2 small packets of spices.
Cashier: (politely) "Excuse me sir, pls use the express lane."
Man: (angrily) "WHY SHOULD I?!? What if I DUMPED THIS IN A BIG CART!?!! Would that SATISFY YOU???!!!!"
In a much louder voice: "WHAT IS YOUR NAME!!!" He proceeded to take a picture of the cashier and the counter number with his mobile phone .
Suddenly, the man's friend arrived and Mr. Arrogant turned nice and smiley.
What a turn-off!! I left smug and self- righteous at my " goodness" compared to his pride. Frankly, I could have easily been that guy too.
Tired after a long day, hungry, we all have our snapping points. Some snap at traffic. Some at deadlines. Some at dinner time. Some in the morning rush.
That's why this description of Moses, intrigues me:
"Now Moses was very humble---more humble than any other person on earth."
Numbers 12:3NLT
Moses wrote the book of Numbers in the bible. How possible is it to be humble, yet at the same breath, describe yourself as "more humble than any other???"
Isn't that an oxymoron?
How do you even know if you are humble? Is it your personality? Are aggressive people automatically more prideful; and soft-spoken people, more humble?
From my experience, I've seen people who acted like Mother Teresa, but were crooks and thieves.
Looking at Moses life, I define humility this way:
When I decide to make God and His Desires, Overrule my own flesh and desires.
CS. Lewis puts it this way:
"Humility is not thinking less of yourself; But thinking of yourself, less."
"Pride is the 'Anti-God' state of mind". Satan, before his fall, was PRO-SELF , and ANTI-GOD.
It is so easy, in this digital age, to be "PRO-SELF" when what brings in the money is the one with the most followers and the most " Likes".
Ask yourself :
"Would you rather be anti-God,but popular and accepted?
"Or humble (pro-God) but risk being disliked and ignored?"
Jesus chose the latter:
In a prophecy in Psalm 22:6 , Jesus is described this way
"But I am a worm, not a man; I am scorned and despised by all!"
"He was despised and forsaken of men, A man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief..."
Isaiah 53:3
Like Jesus, Moses chose to be Pro-God, And it turned his life around.
Moses was a fugitive from justice, who got into trouble for his fleshly impulses, but made a wise decision at 80 years old: "
from now on,
I choose to live my life "Pro- God."
Not Pro- Whatever brings in the Money;
Not Pro- Whatever makes me happy;
Not Pro- human rights.
Not Pro- advocacies close to my heart
But Pro- God and His Word.
Not my will, but Yours be done."
Humility is power in sheep's clothing.
It is underrated yet its' impact is deep.
Look at the change in Moses life: from shameful dishonor to miraculous leadership we still talk about thousands of years later.
So How to "Do A Moses"?
the 1st key: HUMILITY.
Dear Jesus,
This is impossible without Your Spirit. Help me make that daily decision. To do what pleases You, Rather than what pleases me. Help me be Pro- God, instead of Pro- Me.
(Thank you for reading! Til next Thursday for part 3 of "Do A Moses" : > )
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