Posted June 29, 2017 under Blog

Note: This is the second part of a three-part blog series, "Battleground." You may read the first part by clicking here. A few years into following Jesus, I remember Pastor Steve Murrell handing us a book called, “Renewing The Mind,”…  Continue reading...

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Posted June 25, 2017 under Podcast

Duration: 46 mins and 58s

Pastor Paolo Punzalan of Victory Fort preaches on one of the core values God has entrusted to our ministry: the next generation. In this message, He references the life, trials, and ultimate success of Joseph from the book of Genesis.  Continue reading...

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Posted June 21, 2017 under Blog

Today, we start a three-part blog series on the three critical battlegrounds that every believer fights in every day, every minute, even every second. Knowing what those battlegrounds are and how you can win in them every single time gives…  Continue reading...

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Posted June 18, 2017 under Podcast

Duration: 31 mins and 24s

Happy Father's Day! I consider it a big blessing that the way God has chosen to reveal Himself to us is through the person of a father. Today, as we take time to acknowledge our fathers and thank God for the blessing they are to us, let's…  Continue reading...

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Posted June 15, 2017 under Blog

Note:Through the years Steve Murrell has led many of us into becoming leaders in our own right. Here again he hits a bullseye that hits straight into a leader's heart. Read, learn and enjoy. (This post originally appeared on…  Continue reading...

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Posted June 11, 2017 under Podcast

Duration: 28 mins and 18s

The first time the Bible mentions sin is in Genesis 4 when Cain killed Abel because God looked with favor upon Abel's sacrifice, but with disdain for his own. Here's a closer look into sin and what God wants us to do so that we do not…  Continue reading...

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Posted June 8, 2017 under Blog

This is the last of a four-part blog series on grace. Click here to read the first three installments in this series. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound…  Continue reading...

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Posted June 4, 2017 under Podcast

Duration: 31 mins and 11s

Our journey of faith in Jesus can be expressed in a set of three words in a sequence: truth, turning (repentance), and trusting (faith). As we examine more closely the sacrifice of Cain and Abel, we will see why God looked upon Abel's…  Continue reading...

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Posted June 1, 2017 under Blog

Grace works even if you don’t realize it. This is one of the most important things we need to understand in our faith journey. Grace is abundant and it’s a power that works in us and through us when we acknowledge our need for it. In…  Continue reading...

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