Posted March 30, 2017 under Blog

For many of us, the mere thought of work makes us cringe. A lot of people actually go through the work week just to get to the weekend. But there is dignity and blessing in labor. Our God Himself worked and took delight in His work (Gen.…  Continue reading...

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Posted March 26, 2017 under Podcast


One of the most memorable miracles Jesus did during his ministry was to feed more than five thousand people after a sermon. Listen to the message of Pastor Steve and find out if you too missed the point of Jesus miracle.  Continue reading...

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Posted March 23, 2017 under Blog

Last Saturday, I almost lost my coconuts. If patience is a fruit of the Holy Spirit, well, almost all my patience fell off. I went to a travel agency, bright and early in a mall that morning, papers in hand to apply for a visa. After…  Continue reading...

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Posted March 19, 2017 under Podcast

Duration: 36 mins and 8s

When Jesus visited Jerusalem during the feast of the Jews, He encountered an invalid who had been waiting for a miracle for 38 years. Listen to Pastor Joey's message on how this man got so much more than the miracle he had been waiting…  Continue reading...

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Posted March 16, 2017 under Blog

Hello, this is the 3 part of the series Do A Moses. You can read part one here and part 2 here. If there is one thing I (Marie) am learning from Moses life, its that he spent a lot of time in the presence of God. If you read Exodus 34:28,…  Continue reading...

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Posted March 12, 2017 under Podcast

Duration: 29 mins and 47s

Marriage is not just a an agreement between two people. It is a covenant relationship between three parties, you, your spouse and God. And this covenant relationship is best kept by certain principles that each party keeps. Listen to Pastor…  Continue reading...

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Posted March 9, 2017 under Blog

Last night I, Marie was in line at the supermarket cashier. A man arrived with 2 small packets of spices. Cashier: (politely) "Excuse me sir, pls use the express lane." Man: (angrily) "WHY SHOULD I?!? What if I DUMPED THIS IN A BIG CART!?!!…  Continue reading...

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Posted March 5, 2017 under Podcast

Duration: 27 mins and 54s

The church is not a building or a place. It is a body of believers that Christ has called together for a purpose. Listen to Pastor Joey explain how we can enjoy God's design for fellowship and how our present technologies may be hindering…  Continue reading...

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Posted March 2, 2017 under Blog

  Are you a whiz at computers or are you techy-challenged like me? This week, while filling up travel visa requirements, I needed to submit all forms online. When I scanned all pages of my passport and sent these, the automated response…  Continue reading...

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