Posted June 30, 2015 under Video

CONVERSATIONS: Q. How do I respond to Ungodly Messages in Media? “The most obvious drawback of social media is that they are aggressive distractions.”  - Bill Keller Whether it’s news about the latest celebrity scandal or a controversial…  Continue reading...

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Posted June 28, 2015 under Podcast


There comes a point in your life when you've prayed fervently, read the Word constantly, and have given generously but still have yet to receive help in your current situation. In desperate times like this, there's only one thing left…  Continue reading...

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Posted June 25, 2015 under Blog

“For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother's womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well." Psalm 139: 13-14 The way God created you…  Continue reading...

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Posted June 23, 2015 under Video

CONVERSATIONS: Q. What do I do when my feelings are hurt? - It’s a family reunion, and your aunt thoughtlessly comments: “What’s wrong with you? Why aren’t you married yet? “ - Your parents have favorite children, and it’s obvious that…  Continue reading...

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Posted June 21, 2015 under Podcast


"I want more." Our natural tendency is to want more for ourselves. But the Bible presents us with the opposite truth: we were created to be generous. Pastor Paolo Punzalan continues with our "Cross Training" series today, our topic being…  Continue reading...

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Posted June 18, 2015 under Blog

As many of you know, my wife Marie is a writer. In light of the upcoming Father’s Day celebrations, she wrote us a poem entitled “A Salute on Father’s Day”. A Salute on Father's Day by Marie Bonifacio Here's a SALUTE to the Uncommon…  Continue reading...

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Posted June 16, 2015 under Video

CONVERSATIONS: Is it too late to change my situation? Have you ever wished you could turn back the clock and undo things you’ve done in the past? Regret is a powerful thing. Imagine Moses at 120 years old. That’s a lot of years to make…  Continue reading...

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Posted June 14, 2015 under Podcast


David remains as one of the most memorable Bible characters of all time. His faith journey is recorded as one of the most colorful yet moving testimonies of God’s faithfulness and unfailing grace. So what was it that made David such a…  Continue reading...

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Posted June 10, 2015 under Blog

For the longest time, gold has been the standard for valuing currency. Based on this standard, the Pound Sterling (otherwise known as the British Pound) has become the oldest and one of the highest valued currencies in the world today.…  Continue reading...

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Posted June 9, 2015 under Video

CONVERSATIONS: Question: Should a Woman be Strong? The answer is “Absolutely!” The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines “ strength” this way: Strength: : the quality or state of being physically strong : the ability to resist being…  Continue reading...

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