Posted August 31, 2014 under Podcast


This is God’s only attribute repeated three times. He is not Love, Love, Love or Gracious, Gracious, Gracious; but Holy, Holy, Holy.  Continue reading...

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Posted August 28, 2014 under Blog

As always I check the blogs of the people closest to me. After reading my son Joseph's post on courtship, I read Steve Murrell's post on Mark Driscoll, Mars Hill and Acts 29 Scandal. I have decided to link both posts today as I believe…  Continue reading...

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Posted August 26, 2014 under Video

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Posted August 24, 2014 under Podcast


People may think that the closer they walk with God, the more they will understand His work. But the reality is the more you walk with God, the more you realize you can never understand His work.  Continue reading...

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Posted August 21, 2014 under Blog

At our recently concluded couples' retreat someone asked, "What does one do if you are no longer compatible as you were at the beginning of your marriage? My simple response was compatibility is a myth. The dictionary defines compatibility…  Continue reading...

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Posted August 17, 2014 under Podcast


We realized that sin is the reason why life can be frustrating and meaningless, and therefore will lead us to appreciate the gospel more, and draw closer to Jesus.  Continue reading...

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Posted August 14, 2014 under Blog

The first time I used a compass was during my Boy Scouting days as a child. Compasses and maps on hand we were taught how to navigate unfamiliar terrain. A compass comes in handy when one gets lost. True North Compasses work because…  Continue reading...

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Posted August 12, 2014 under Video

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Posted August 10, 2014 under Podcast


We’re kicking off our newest series, “Holehearted!” Listen to ptr Steve Murrell as he tackles the reason why life can be frustrating and meaningless. May this truth lead us to appreciate the gospel more, and draw us closer to Jesus.  Continue reading...

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Posted August 7, 2014 under Blog

This is a re-post from my son Joseph's blog last Monday. It seems that taking responsibility for our errors has it's benefits. Thank you Joseph for your candidness and I hope this post helps other fathers. The message at church yesterday…  Continue reading...

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