Posted May 28, 2013 under Blog

In one of my recent flights I watched the movie, The Impossible. The movie is the recounting of the ordeal a Spanish family endured during the tragic tsunami in Thailand in December, 2004. The Belon-Alvarez couple Maria and Enrique were…  Continue reading...

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Posted May 27, 2013 under Video

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Posted May 26, 2013 under Podcast

Duration: 37:20

Last week we saw that when the weather is stormy we find ourselves engaged and alert. But what do you do when times are sunny and things are bright? When there are no threats or potential disasters? Our tendency is to sit back and be…  Continue reading...

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Posted May 25, 2013 under Blog

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Posted May 24, 2013 under Blog

It's the question that's always on top of people's minds. Where was God when the tornado hit? Writing for, my friend Rice Broocks helps us understand this conundrum in this article: Does the Oklahoma natural disaster prove…  Continue reading...

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Posted May 21, 2013 under Video

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Posted May 19, 2013 under Podcast

Duration: 42:51

I was up till 3 am preparing this message last Sunday. The richness of the text in Philippians chapter was so inspiring. The thought of fitting it all in one 40 minute message was unthinkable. Not to mention brief moments of repentance…  Continue reading...

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Posted May 19, 2013 under Blog

Last Saturday I had the privilege of having a one on one moment with Nick Vujicic, the Ozy evangelist and speaker. The first thing you sense when you are with him is pure unadulterated joy. Something that clearly comes from within. On…  Continue reading...

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Posted May 18, 2013 under Blog

Tuesday to Thursday: With Michael Paderes (r) and Ado Bernardo (l) en route to Johannesburg South Africa to conduct Strategic Planning Meeting. Picture right: With Johannesburg senior leaders, Roger Pearce (r) and Simon Lerefolo. Picture…  Continue reading...

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Posted May 16, 2013 under Blog

I must give credit to whom it is due. Pastor Gillian who is an Every Nation pastor from South Africa shared this brief message and I have simply built on his awesome revelation. "Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was…  Continue reading...

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