What Should a Christian Say when it Comes to Controversy?
Have you ever been caught off-guard and pulled into a conversation on a controversial issue? How did you respond? Looking back, was it the kind of response you would have wanted to make? How would you have adjusted your response, if ever?
Traps of controversy were often placed in the path of Jesus by both the Pharisees and the Sadducees, Israel's supposed spiritual authorities at that time (Mt. 22:15-46). But Jesus knew when to address them, and when not to. He knew who to reveal Himself to and who not to entrust Himself to. And when He did speak, He knew how to redirect the topic to the most important issue at hand: man's need for a redemptive relationship with God. His answers left them "marvelled" (v. 22), "astonished" (v. 33), and silenced them (v. 46). Jesus knew how to direct well-meaning inquirers' questions to what truly mattered in a manner that was redemptive and life-giving. (Jn. 3, 4)
Perhaps you feel ill-prepared to share your thoughts about some issues of the day that have plagued your mind lately and for which you need perspective. We need to anchor ourselves in the word of God so that we be fruitful in our conversations (Psalm 1). If there are matters we need wisdom for, James 1:5 says the Lord will give generously without reproach if we ask Him. Just like Jesus, we need discernment to know whether or not it was the right occasion and with the right person that we are speaking (Ps. 39:1, Jn. 2:24, 25). As pointed out, we need to know when to be quiet (Prov. 17:28). And if we ask Him, the Lord can also give us the words to say at His perfect time. We need God's wisdom, enabling, and control whenever we engage in conversation so that God can fulfill His purposes in those opportunities.
Just as Paul advised Timothy, we need to "preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching."(2 Tim. 4:2) Reading the subsequent verses, Paul advised Timothy to "always be sober-minded" (v. 5) This was a call to focus on the work and to communicate the real issue at hand, which is man's need for God.
Conversations can be life-giving opportunities. But we need to be careful, thoughtful, informed and prayerful to know what response the moment requires of us as the Spirit leads. Whether it is to be quiet or to speak and to respond with Scripture, it always has to be done in love and gentleness (Prov. 15:4) and with God's purposes in mind.
If you were to respond right now on that pressing issue the way you want to, what impact do you want to make on your hearers? What impact could it otherwise make? Are you coming from a heart that needs to be right, or from a heart that loves?
Take time to pray through our world's pressing issues, and seek God's response to it in His word. Seek God's wisdom from the Bible. Ask the Spirit's counsel. If need be, seek counsel from your spiritual mentor/s. Then ask God to guide your response to the matter should it come up in a conversation. Make sure to write it down.
Let's pray:
Father, Your word has demonstrated time and again the truth that death and life are in the power of the tongue. (Prov. 18:21) Your word has not lacked in warning us to keep our tongues in check. Please help us to discern when You would have us speak, and when to be silent. And when we speak, may our words give life and bring healing. Give us wisdom as we seek You in Your word. Fill our hearts with love for people so that even in conversations about the controversial issues of the day, You would enable us to do as Jesus did and direct people's hearts to You. For we ask in the name of Your Son and our Savior, Jesus. Amen.
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