How Can I Live a Fruitful Life?
Fruitful is described as having the ability to thrive, be luxuriant, have a free flow of growth and increase without really trying hard. A fruitful life therefore is one that is filled with God’s grace and favor. It wouldn't matter what season you’d find yourself in because wherever you are, you’ll be surrounded by God’s presence.
The prerequisite to having a fruitful life? Remaining in Jesus’ presence always. This entails . . .
1. Complete surrender and dependence on Jesus.
Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. John 15:4
To remain in Jesus means that you have to fully depend on Him, and not on your own strengths, your own skills, or your own achievements. It’s similar to the fruit illustration. Yes, the fruit grows naturally, but it needs to be directly connected to the branch in order to get all of the nutrients required for growth. Likewise, we need to hold on to Jesus because He is our source for a full and fruitful life.
What are the things you still haven’t surrendered to Jesus? List them down here.
2. Constant communication with Jesus.
I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5
To remain in Jesus is to communicate with Him daily. Notice the verse above says, “Remain in me, as I also remain in you.” This means having a relationship with him. Relationships require mutual devotion on both partners, which translates to communication despite the demands of the day. How could you have a relationship with someone if you don’t speak to them?
What kind of conversations do you have with someone you care deeply about? What do you often talk to them about?
Do you share the same kind of conversations and moments with Jesus?
If yes, list down how you can commit to deepening your moments with Jesus. If no, list down one concrete practice you can do in order to jumpstart more consistent and meaningful encounters with Jesus.
3. Confident faith and trust in Jesus.
If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. John 15:7
It’s one thing to speak with Jesus privately, and another to actually walk with Him daily. To be with him wherever we go, and in whatever we do. This is what the Holy Spirit is for—to be our accessible help and guide in every move that we make. Faith is important in remaining in Jesus. Without faith, we can’t please God or see how God can work in and through our lives. Faith is what connects God’s promises to our destiny.
What is one situation that you wish you had more faith in?
The Bible says that “If two or three are gathered in my name, there am I [Jesus] among them” (Matthew 18:20). Grab someone who can stand in prayer with you. Likewise, offer to also stand in prayer with them. What are you and your partner believing in for?
YOU: ____________________________________________
PARTNER: ____________________________________________
How can you commit to remaining in Jesus starting today?
Let’s Pray.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Wow! What a great feeling it is to know that Your will for us is to have life, and to have it abundantly. We did not deserve what we have in Jesus, and this is why we want to say thank You.
Lord, amidst the busyness of our days, we pray that You teach us to number our days well by always staying connected to You. May we know that it is only through You that we can be who we are, do what we do, and claim our great destiny in You. So we beg that You help us remain Your humble and faithful servants, relying only on You and You alone.
May all that we do just be for Your greater glory.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
My Comments Policy
While my site offers visitors the ability to converse, I have a few ground rules so that our conversations will remain civil and courteous.
1. You must register in order to leave a comment. I don’t entertain pseudo, anonymous or bogus individuals. This site is my home (it has a Home Page, get it). I don’t let strangers who don’t introduce themselves into my home.
2. I love questions. I love them because a lot of times they are similar to someone else’s questions and can even trigger other questions from others. Questions also keep us all sharp. This is also why I respond to them as best as I can and at the soonest possible time. I believe that group answering benefits more people than private email exchanges.
3. We don’t have to agree. Debates are welcome. However, whether it is with me or any other visitors of my site, my rule is this: disagree if you must but keep things civil. That’s just how I run my home, and you are a visitor here. No shouting; I have seen it done in writing. No cursing and no insulting.
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In short, my goal is to host interesting conversations with caring, honest, and respectful people. I believe this clear and simple comments policy will facilitate this.