
Posted April 26, 2016 under Videos

CONVERSATIONS It was Ravi Zacharias that once said that, all of life is pain management. Pain management, and other words like suffering, tolerating, and bearing is what most people associate the phrase denying yourself to. But denying…  Continue reading...

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Posted April 19, 2016 under Videos

CONVERSATIONS Too many options, too little time. The world has become a commodity of sorts-you just have too many options to choose from! Sometimes it doesnt even make life easier; just a little bit more confusing. Lets say you're at…  Continue reading...

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Posted April 12, 2016 under Videos

CONVERSATIONS 1. What do you see? He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted. Job 5: 9 A lot of times, we don't see miracles happening in our lives because either we are looking at the wrong things,…  Continue reading...

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Posted April 5, 2016 under Videos

CONVERSATIONS: Be it getting up to go to work, or stopping at the red light., doing the right thing, doesnt come easy, all the time. But we do it anyway, knowing its for our own good. So how do we develop the ability to obey God? 1.…  Continue reading...

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Posted March 29, 2016 under Videos

CONVERSATIONS: When God gave the 10 Commandments to Moses, the first 4 commandments talk about the ways we Honor God. (our highest vertical relationship). The next Commandments instruct us how we can Honor One Another (horizontal relationships). In…  Continue reading...

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Posted March 22, 2016 under Videos

CONVERSATIONS: I have prayers, which I'm still waiting for God to answer. I'm sure you have some too. Why is waiting, such a challenge for us? It's because man's concept of time, is different from the way God views time. Man measures…  Continue reading...

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Posted March 15, 2016 under Videos

CONVERSATIONS: Boredom is defined as: "the state of being weary and restless through lack of interest." There are days when we can become tired physically, emotionally and spiritually. When you find yourself getting weary in your spirit,…  Continue reading...

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Posted March 8, 2016 under Videos

CONVERSATIONS: Q. How Do I Love someone who drives me nuts? Definition: To drive someone crazy, or to be annoyed or irritated by someones behavior. "That person just drives me nuts!" Maybe its someone's different point of view that…  Continue reading...

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Posted March 1, 2016 under Videos

CONVERSATIONS: Yes, demons are real. They are unclean spirits as mentioned in the Bible. Their main focus is to kill, steal and destroy the purpose of the Lord in a persons life. There is a lot to cover but here is a short guide on how…  Continue reading...

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Posted February 23, 2016 under Videos

CONVERSATIONS: “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."   Matthew 5:5 ESV How is it possible that a person who is meek and mild, can inherit anything at all? Here are 3 things to remember about “Meekness”: 1) Meekness…  Continue reading...

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