
Posted July 5, 2016 under Videos

CONVERSATIONS Many couples enter marriage with no expectation that the emotional high that they feel during the wedding can (and will) eventually grow cold and run dry. When this happens, disillusionment can set in. Indeed, making a marriage…  Continue reading...

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Posted June 28, 2016 under Videos

CONVERSATIONS: Even the most well-meaning Christian can feel awkward about sharing their faith, but there are ways to deal with whatever uncertainty we might have that keep us from doing so. We can't let our fears hinder us. We need to…  Continue reading...

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Posted June 20, 2016 under Videos

CONVERSATIONS "If God is loving, why does He send people to hell?" It is that picture, sometimes, of "God sending people to hell" that keeps people from trusting Him. We ask, "Isn't He too loving to do that?" But if God would not punish…  Continue reading...

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Posted June 14, 2016 under Videos

CONVERSATIONS "If my sins are forgiven, why do I still need to repent?" There are multiple reasons why people might ask this question. It might be that they want to be conveniently excused for sinning: there might be a desire to be safe…  Continue reading...

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Posted June 7, 2016 under Videos

CONVERSATIONS: Can I be a Christian and not go to church? There are a number of reasons why a Christian would ask this question. Perhaps you wonder if you can skip church some Sundays because you have to work, or would like to go on a…  Continue reading...

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Posted May 31, 2016 under Videos

CONVERSATIONS: No man is an island, Entire of itself, Every man is a piece of the continent, A part of the main. -John Donne Relationships. In this life and in the next, we can't escape relationships. Whether it's our family, officemates,…  Continue reading...

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Posted May 24, 2016 under Videos

CONVERSATIONS: There are big words in the Bible that let us know of their importance by how many times these are mentioned. Of all these, the biggest is the word "Lord". But the word Lord is not just big by how many times it is mentioned…  Continue reading...

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Posted May 17, 2016 under Videos

CONVERSATIONS: Following Christ necessarily involves making choices moment by moment to pursue some things and to let go of others. And in the battle for our hearts, we might feel that some choices are not easy to make. Why do you think…  Continue reading...

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Posted May 10, 2016 under Videos

CONVERSATIONS 1. Remember Where You Came From Sometimes the difficulty we have in reaching a wayward child comes from having forgotten who we once were. Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. . . It is because…  Continue reading...

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Posted May 3, 2016 under Videos

CONVERSATIONS And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13 1. Faith Faith is the characteristic that the Bible directly connects with pleasing God. You could see in several…  Continue reading...

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