Posted April 11, 2012 under Blog

Business with a heart

At 8:30 am today we inaugurated the newest branch of Coffee Bean - the chain of cafes that's famous not just for the quality of their coffee, but for their breakfasts, sandwiches, salads and deserts. What makes their food great is they are prepared by the restaurant and not by suppliers. Personally I recommend the salads - value for money. I have tried each one and they are great!

The new branch was at the fourth floor atrium of the award winning Ecom Tower 2 at the Mall of Asia. Interestingly this morning US Ambassador Harry Thomas (second left) who was special guest decided to treat the embassy's model employees for breakfast at the restaurant. Together with Patrick Wall (beside me), US Counsel for Commerce and Industry, the employees sampled Coffee Bean's breakfast menu.

Also in picture: Walden Chiu, extreme left, President of Coffee Bean. Manong Nards Jimenez, center, Chairman of the Board.

Top photo shows the men behind the Bean. Paolo del Rosario, extreme left, VP for Marketing and Business Development. Jay Ong, extreme right, VP for Strategic Partnerships and Project Development. Others in picture: Joel Jimenez (GMA 7) and James Ong Of East Asia Trade.

How did I end up in this company? Manong Nards along with his family and Walden are members of Victory Fort. For some time Walden and I went to the same small group.

Coffee Bean is also a big fan and supporter of the Real Life Foundation, Victory's arm that is responsible for our feeding programs for the marginalized and our educational scholarships. 

Congratulations to Coffee Bean, may the Lord continue to grant you success. My message this morning was a reminder that:

"Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain. In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat— for he grants sleep to those he loves." Psalm 127:1-2


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