Posted March 22, 2012 under Blog

Robben Island

Last day in Cape Town - was hosted by Pastor Carlton Julies and his wife Yolanda. I have known Carlton and Yolanda for many years now and deeply respect him as a friend and minister of the Gospel of Christ. Carlton and I share a common passion - that of making disciples and raising up young next generation leaders.

Thankfully our last day in Cape Town coincided with a national holiday - "Human Rights Day" and they were free to take us on a tour - of what better place than Robben Island.

Picture above was snapped by Marie as I was waiting for the ferry to Robben island. I guess the bird was waiting too. Picture right is Marie with Yolanda on the ferry.

Robben Island is made famous by the political prisoners who were incarcerated there for opposing the white dominated South African government. Particularly former South African President Nelson Mandela who spent 18 of his 27 years of incarceration on the island. Picture at right is tour guide who was a former prisoner on the island who not only gives a history of the island that spans back to English and Dutch rule but captures the reality of the spirit of the inmates in the island. A must see place.

Thanks Carlton and Yolanda. Appreciate your friendship and hospitality. It was a joy celebrating "Human Rights Day" with you and Yolanda.

“Celebrate the Festival of Unleavened Bread, because it was on this very day that I brought your divisions out of Egypt. Celebrate this day as a lasting ordinance for the generations to come." Exodus 12:17


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