Posted March 3, 2012 under Blog

Closing Remarks in China

By now the leaders have heard it all. Five days of teaching from Every Nation's best teachers - theology, spirituality, practical ministry and leadership skills - they're stuffed. The local leadership asked me to close the week with one final exhortation before everyone goes back home.

What could I share that wasn't so heavy but would cap the week long training of our Chinese leaders.

That's when I thought I'd share a revelation I got while watching Vito our dog as he played and rolled around the freshly cut grass in the park. I felt so good for him and thought of how much I have grown to love this mutt.

But despite my joy and "love" for Vito I couldn't imagine allowing myself to be collared so I could be taken for a walk. Or eat the pellets I feed him. I couldn't imagine giving up all I know, the comforts that I have the conveniences to live in a world of barkers, sniffers who endlessly mark their territory. As much as I loved Vito I would never think of entering his world so I could help him understand mine. My love at the end of the day is still selfish. I needed these amazing leaders to understand and realize that while they were great - they don't measure up, cannot measure up and never will. We are severely flawed, which is why we need Jesus.

Jesus' love is different. He willingly gave up all that He had -the comforts and convenience so He could show us how much He loves me. He entered our world and allowed Himself to be collared, confined and crucified by His own enemies. This is the power, this is the motive, this is the mission - to clearly know how much He loves us so we can tell the world about His love.

As I gathered my things to get ready to leave, one of the leaders walked up to say "xie-xie" (pronounced "cheche") which means thank you. He said it was good reminder of what this is really all about.

As I sit at the airport and wait for my flight home I prayed to Jesus - "'Xie-xie' for giving me Vito - his presence is a daily reminder that my earthly love does not measure up. But Your heavenly love extends to me and causes me to love others despite my limitations. 'Xie-xie' Lord".

Thank You Lord for all these awesome leaders in China. Bless them that they will fulfill their purpose and destiny in You.

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39


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