Because the family is the foundation and validation of our ministry, we refuse to sacrifice our marriages and our children on the altars of temporal success. And because we believe God has called us to be a spiritual family, we reject… Continue reading...
Small is big. A big movement can only get bigger if it learns to lead in tribes. It is in leading smaller units that it can become bigger than it already is. This post is all about how to to possess the land. It's one thing to attack… Continue reading...
Here's the 4th instalment of our series Radical. A disciple of Christ is empowered to lead. Continue reading...
In 23 years of doing ministry I have seen people who never quite make it to their "Promise Land- despite being a so-called Christian. On the other hand I have seen many who have entered in and continue to enjoy God's promises. It was… Continue reading...
Here's the third part of our Radical series. As we celebrate the thirty years of honoring God and making disciples, let's review the pillars that have created the level of growth that the Lord allowed us to have us a church. Continue reading...
In honor of Victory's 30th Anniversary this year, I am re-posting an article about our church that was published in Charisma magazine in 2012. The article was written by Steve Murrel's son William. Read the whole article in William… Continue reading...
Here's the second part of our Radical series. Listen to Pastor Paolo Punzalan as he talks about Evangelism as we look back at our history and rediscover what it means to be radical in this day and age. Continue reading...
When banks lend money to people they check what is known as the four Cs: Character, Capacity, Collateral and Capital. Character is all about the person you are lending to. This involves the person's integrity and history when it comes… Continue reading...