God’s blessings are not just for our wellbeing and comfort but for us to remain in covenantal relationship with Him. Like Abraham we do not seek after the riches of this world but the enrichment of our relationship with Christ. Continue reading...
Last week I wrote about how truth is the starting point of trust in a marriage. On the same note, it is impossible to hide something in a marriage because marriage makes two people become one flesh. One of the things‚Äîwhich I'm sure… Continue reading...
God fulfills His promise to bless us not because of who we are or what we can do, but because He is a loving, faithful, and covenant keeping God. Continue reading...
A good way to tell if you're headed in the right direction is by using a compass. A compass guides you to your destination by veering you away from all the wrong paths and leading you only to the right one. In the journey of marriage,… Continue reading...
Christ Himself was overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death, yet He trusted in the One who can save Him from death. Continue reading...
Often, when we think of Adam, Eve and the fruit, what we see is one bite on the fruit, but the Bible tells us that there were two. Read to the end and you'll find a surprising revelation. There is no love story that explains trust better… Continue reading...
Our faith in God should not be conditional. Its basis should not be blessings or good things in life. The only basis of our relationship with him our love for God and His love for us. Continue reading...