They met each other as five year olds at the small San Pedro Kindergarten, in the outlying city of Malabon, an outskirt city known for its fish trade. Both abandoned, he, raised by his grandparents after being rejected by parents. She,… Continue reading...
The second part in a series called "It's Not That Complicated." As you listen to this audio you may be saying, he sounds like Pastor Joey, only much younger. The reason why that's true is because I did not preach last Sunday but my son… Continue reading...
Listerine hit the retail counters of the United States in 1915. It rose to fame when Lambert Pharmacal, the manufacturer pitched the product as a cure for halitosis, then an obscure medical term for bad breath. James Twitchell, who is… Continue reading...
God’s Word does not only show us Jesus’s story—it also includes different love stories that all of us can learn from. What can we learn from the men and women in these stories of the Bible? Discover how we can live a life of love in our… Continue reading...
Pain comes in different forms, shapes and sizes. There is the obvious physical pain, but there are others such as emotional, relational, even financial pain. The Very Mention of His Name Brought Pain You may have heard of the Prayer… Continue reading...
Based on Ephesians 6, this message focuses on the three practices we need to succeed in fighting spiritual forces in the heavenly realms: First, put on the full armor of God. Secondly, pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds… Continue reading...