Posted March 12, 2012 under Blog

Am about to go on a twelve day trip to Pretoria and Cape Town tonight. Will miss being with Vito under our usual tree on my Sabbaths. He really likes this spot. I like it too. I've been thinking again about Leviticus 26:4-12 - whenever…  Continue reading...

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Posted March 11, 2012 under Podcast

Duration: 30:15

As we go through “Intrusion,” may each of us have a greater trust in God, knowing that He is present even in impossible situations, and that He is faithful to accomplish His will in each of our lives!  Continue reading...

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Posted March 10, 2012 under Blog

The week started with the Apostolic Team from Indonesia who were in town to participate in a two day strategic planning meeting for Morning Star Indonesia. I am always grateful for the team in Manila who undertake these meetings. By the…  Continue reading...

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Posted March 10, 2012 under Blog

My mother Tina Bonifacio is a gracious woman. Earlier in the week she sent me a message on facebook (at 80 she stays current) and asked if I was available for a small of gathering of former employees of a company we owned back more than…  Continue reading...

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Posted March 5, 2012 under Blog

I'm no bird expert but when I listen intently enough I can hear as much as seven bird tones on a good day. Today I could only distinguish five. I didn't hear the squawk of what I presume is the big black bird's, he often visits the tree…  Continue reading...

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Posted March 4, 2012 under Podcast

Duration: 37:25

As we go through “Intrusion,” may each of us have a greater trust in God, knowing that He is present even in impossible situations, and that He is faithful to accomplish His will in each of our lives!  Continue reading...

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Posted March 4, 2012 under Blog

While I was in China I received an update on the results of this year's first Volunteer Weekend. That's when we invite members to volunteer for the various ministries of the church. From singers and musicians, ushers, kid's ministry, communication…  Continue reading...

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Posted March 3, 2012 under Blog

By now the leaders have heard it all. Five days of teaching from Every Nation's best teachers - theology, spirituality, practical ministry and leadership skills - they're stuffed. The local leadership asked me to close the week with one…  Continue reading...

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Posted February 29, 2012 under Blog

Was just in China last month, can't believe I'm back again. I was planning on writing a summary of my thoughts on Harold Sala tonight but did not expect the temperature to drop to 12 and my sinus allergies to kick in this bad, got a slight…  Continue reading...

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Posted February 29, 2012 under Blog

I'm estimating that the temperature in this city of China is about 10 or 11 degrees. Got a slight fever and me joints are achin'. But what the heck... Lest I forget the big thoughts on the meeting with Harold Sala and his wife Darlene…  Continue reading...

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