Posted April 1, 2012 under Podcast

Duration: 42:17

XChange aims to help us grow in deeper understanding of Christ’s work on the cross.  Continue reading...

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Posted April 1, 2012 under Blog

Saw this post on facebook of Joseph comfortably napping on the edge of Mount Pulo and thought "What in the world...?" Oh, well I guess boys will be boys.   Then I saw this picture with his wife perched on this mountain top - only to…  Continue reading...

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Posted March 29, 2012 under Blog

Growing up Marie and I made it a point not to miss any of the boy's birthdays but with the boys grown and Joe married and all the traveling everyone is doing it is increasingly getting hard to celebrate birthdays together. Thankfully…  Continue reading...

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Posted March 26, 2012 under Blog

My grandmother once told me "Joey you need to take Sabbaths. Rest your mind, emotions and body and enjoy a time with God. If you don't take a Sabbath God has built it in to nature that you will have one. It's called a forced Sabbath and…  Continue reading...

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Posted March 25, 2012 under Podcast

Duration: 37:17

As we go through “Intrusion,” may each of us have a greater trust in God, knowing that He is present even in impossible situations, and that He is faithful to accomplish His will in each of our lives!  Continue reading...

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Posted March 25, 2012 under Video

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Posted March 25, 2012 under Blog

Back in the 1980s when our boys were little, the Murrells - Steve and Deborah and their three sons William, James and Jonathan and our family with our three boys Joseph, David and Joshua had countless Sunday lunches together, usually after…  Continue reading...

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Posted March 25, 2012 under Blog

  After being gone for 12 days from Africa, I was cramming for my message for tomorrow's Sunday services. It's one am and jetlag has set in. Marie took this picture from her iphone - Vito didn't want to leave my side, hugging on the base…  Continue reading...

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Posted March 22, 2012 under Blog

Last day in Cape Town - was hosted by Pastor Carlton Julies and his wife Yolanda. I have known Carlton and Yolanda for many years now and deeply respect him as a friend and minister of the Gospel of Christ. Carlton and I share a common…  Continue reading...

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Posted March 21, 2012 under Blog

Every Nation's key leaders from all over Cape Town came to the Ministry School class that evening. I was pleasantly surprised at the turn out. This is the kind of stuff I love to do, activating leaders particularly young ones (not once)…  Continue reading...

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