Posted February 28, 2016 under Podcast

Duration: 41mins 2s

There is one definite, distinct, and exclusive belief that a genuine Christian must possess. This is Pastor Joseph Bonifacios message for us today as he continues our Apostles Creed series. (Bonus: We made an action sheet with practical…  Continue reading...

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Posted February 25, 2016 under Blog

Have you ever tried riding a Grab or an Uber car? I sometimes do, and get to meet interesting people. One driver shared to me about his French great grandfather. “Do you know that my ancestor was one of those that killed Andres Bonifacio,…  Continue reading...

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Posted February 23, 2016 under Video

CONVERSATIONS: “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."   Matthew 5:5 ESV How is it possible that a person who is meek and mild, can inherit anything at all? Here are 3 things to remember about “Meekness”: 1) Meekness…  Continue reading...

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Posted February 21, 2016 under Podcast

Duration: 38mins 15s

This is the start of a series on The Apostles Creed. In this message, I also discuss how we should respond to what Manny Pacquiao said. Check it out here.  Continue reading...

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Posted February 18, 2016 under Blog

Let me introduce you to my Pinterest Life. In that world, I have an ideal, pretend home; where every room is organized and color coordinated. I’ve collected wonderful DIY ideas just waiting to be started, places and trips I want to see,…  Continue reading...

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Posted February 15, 2016 under Video

CONVERSATIONS: Simple Definition of MOTIVATION giving someone a reason for doing something the condition of being eager to act or work ( Have you ever felt like giving up? Maybe just quit your job and never…  Continue reading...

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Posted February 14, 2016 under Podcast

Duration: 38mins 54s

Love. Is true, lasting love even possible in this day and age? Let me answer the question this Valentine's Day. Check out my message and action sheet here.  Continue reading...

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Posted February 11, 2016 under Blog

A few years ago, as we were walking along a windswept and empty beach, my hubby turned to me and said, “Man, I love this place! There are hardly any people here! It’s so isolated, I could write a book undisturbed, grow a beard, and never…  Continue reading...

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Posted February 9, 2016 under Video

CONVERSATIONS:    Think of how our world would look like, if we had no sunshine. A world with no light, but living in perpetual darkness. We’d be fumbling around, groping our way in the dark. Now imagine a dark, dirty bathroom. Imagine…  Continue reading...

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Posted February 7, 2016 under Podcast

Duration: 41mins 21s

Love. With so many sources that talk about love, what does love even mean nowadays? Today I begin our "Heart Truth" series on love.  Continue reading...

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