Posted January 31, 2016 under Podcast

Duration: 34mins 38s

True, audacious faith goes beyond belief. Today, Pastor Christian ends our "Dare to Believe" series with a message on serving.  Continue reading...

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Posted January 27, 2016 under Blog

My hubby, Joey, and I have opposing personalities. He is bold and full of faith, ready to take on big challenges. I, on the other hand, sometimes suffer from “Analysis Paralysis”. I take a long time to make a decision. I am afraid of failure,…  Continue reading...

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Posted January 26, 2016 under Video

CONVERSATIONS: Correcting others is never easy or pleasant, yet it is something we must do sometimes in order to love others and help us all walk closer to Christ. But before we actually correct someone else, we must first examine our…  Continue reading...

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Posted January 24, 2016 under Podcast

Duration: 38mins 10s

There are many promises of God in the Bible, yet most of them remain unclaimed by us. So how do we claim His promises?  Continue reading...

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Posted January 21, 2016 under Blog

Recently, while having lunch with a group of friends, one of them mentioned that a certain male friend—let’s call him Mr. A—was coming to town. Now, Mr. A is still a single guy. Immediately, a light bulb turned on in our heads…Hmmm .…  Continue reading...

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Posted January 19, 2016 under Video

CONVERSATIONS:    1. How would you describe a wicked person? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ The Bible describes the wicked in the…  Continue reading...

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Posted January 17, 2016 under Podcast

Duration: 39mins 10s

Have you ever believed for something that is taking a while to come true? Today, I talk about the faith to conquer the challenges that stand between us and receiving God's promises for our lives.  Continue reading...

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Posted January 14, 2016 under Blog

I can’t imagine why Chen Forng –Shean, does what he does. This Taiwanese artist chooses the tiniest thing, on which to create his awesome artworks. He gets a grain of rice—yes, one grain!— and on that miniature piece, he carves and paints…  Continue reading...

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Posted January 12, 2016 under Video

CONVERSATIONS:    The world today provides us with a countless number of resources on Christianity. The Bible has never been more accessible—from our homes, to our libraries, to even our mobile applications. Yet how many people in the…  Continue reading...

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Posted January 10, 2016 under Podcast

Duration: 36mins 59s

Have you ever failed in a way that may seem irreparable? I have, and today we’re going to talk about the best way to handle failure.  Continue reading...

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