Posted December 29, 2016 under Blog

Would you like to know what I'm going to do as 2016 ends? I (Marie) am going to assess my F.A.T.?(No, not the amount of food I've eaten during the holidays.) Even now I'm still dreaming of this delectable Paper Moon cake that has, like,…  Continue reading...

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Posted December 27, 2016 under Video

CONVERSATIONS: The new year is just around the corner, and since it is yearend, many of us are gearing up for 2017 by evaluating the past year and setting our goals for the new one coming. While the new year naturally gives us a great…  Continue reading...

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Posted December 25, 2016 under Podcast


Calling Mary highly favored could have passed as a big joke during her time. She was a young girl without any rights, and having not come from any special pedigree meant life would be tough. We could just imagine how shocked Mary was when…  Continue reading...

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Posted December 22, 2016 under Blog

A few months ago, I sang to Philip:?"Who made all the trees that grow? God in heaven above!!!" Testing his memory, I sang it again:?"Who made all the tree that grow?" Philip replied happily: "Bob and Kevin above!" (Pixar's?Minion characters!) So…  Continue reading...

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Posted December 20, 2016 under Video

How was 2016 for you? For many people, 2016 was a time of fear, uncertainty, and despair with the various political and catastrophic locally and all over the world. How people craved for 2016 to finally end! And yet, in what ways did…  Continue reading...

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Posted December 18, 2016 under Podcast


About a year before Jesus was born, an angel visited an old priest who was constantly praying for a miracle. The angel's answer wasn't something he was expecting. Find out Zechariah's Christmas story in this message.  Continue reading...

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Posted December 15, 2016 under Blog

And the angel said to them, "Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people." Luke 2: 10 My Upside Down Dryer Did you know that a clothes dryer can work upside down??I spent so many hours researching…  Continue reading...

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Posted December 12, 2016 under Video

What gifts are you looking forward to receiving this Christmas? Can you enumerate them in your mind right now? And after you name each one, can you explain why you want these gifts? (Ex. I want a new wallet because my current one is too…  Continue reading...

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Posted December 11, 2016 under Podcast


Christmas brings a myriad of emotions and memories. But in the midst of all these shifting colors and the bright Christmas lights, it is so easy to get distracted from the real reason behind the celebration.  Continue reading...

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Posted December 8, 2016 under Blog

We interrupt Marie's Christmas series for an all-important post on the Ateneo- La Salle Championships. Now that I have your attention, let me explain how I got to the title of this post. A few days ago I received a message on Facebook…  Continue reading...

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