Posted March 31, 2018 under Video

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Posted March 30, 2018 under Video

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Posted March 29, 2018 under Video

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Posted March 28, 2018 under Blog

The story of Noah does not end on a positive note, “Noah began to be a man of the soil, and he planted a vineyard. He drank of the wine and became drunk and lay uncovered in his tent.” Genesis 9:20-21 Noah got drunk. The Bible does not…  Continue reading...

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Posted March 27, 2018 under Video

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Posted March 26, 2018 under Video

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Posted March 25, 2018 under Video

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Posted March 25, 2018 under Podcast

Duration: 32 mins and 14s

Pastor Joshua Harris continues our journey through the book of Genesis and touches on Abraham's act of building an altar before the Lord, and how we need to do the same.  Continue reading...

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Posted March 22, 2018 under Blog

Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him,  “Behold, I establish my covenant with you and your offspring after you,…” Genesis 9:8 We have seen that Noah was a man of destiny who had a call from God. He also lived a life that relied…  Continue reading...

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Posted March 18, 2018 under Podcast

Duration: 30 mins and 46s

Today, we got encouraged by Pastor Larry Matsuwaki to listen closely to what God is calling us to do and allow faith to drive us into obedience.  Continue reading...

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