Posted July 31, 2016 under Podcast


How much change can one young person bring to the world? Tune into our campus weekend, where we look into the life of an eight year old king named Josiah.  Continue reading...

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Posted July 28, 2016 under Blog

I, Marie, did not vote for our current president. So upon his installation as President, I could respond in two ways: narrow or supportive. I could go on social media and be a critic of the government's every move. Or I can celebrate…  Continue reading...

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Posted July 26, 2016 under Video

CONVERSATIONS If we want to live purposefully, we need to develop habits based on our values and principles. Otherwise, our days will be led by the dictates of our whims or pressures from others -- much like how the Psalmist describes…  Continue reading...

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Posted July 24, 2016 under Podcast


When you stumble across your friend's social media profile, how do you usually react? Your answer to this is exactly what I'll be talking about today, as I land the "Ten" series. Catch the full message here.  Continue reading...

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Posted July 21, 2016 under Blog

Courage is fear that has said its prayers.: It was 10:45 pm on a Wednesday evening. There was a slight drizzle, as I made my way to the car. It was going to be my first time to drive alone, from SLEX (South Luzon Express way) to my home…  Continue reading...

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Posted July 19, 2016 under Video

CONVERSATIONS: When it comes to the issue of what the Bible teaches about prosperity, there are two extreme points of view: one that says that the Bible does not teach it at all, and the other that makes prosperity the main facet of God's…  Continue reading...

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Posted July 17, 2016 under Podcast


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Posted July 14, 2016 under Blog

"In Lystra there sat a man who was lame.He had been that way from birth and had never walked..." Acts 14:8 Do you have 20/20 vision? I don't. Joey just had an eye check up last week and he's got great eyes. I, on the other hand, grew…  Continue reading...

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Posted July 12, 2016 under Video

CONVERSATIONS: Every generation possesses unique characteristics that have been shaped by historical, cultural and technological developments, as well as by their reaction to previous generations. This is why we have Baby Boomers, Gen…  Continue reading...

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Posted July 10, 2016 under Podcast


What's interesting about the eight commandment is that it touches the heart of the all other commandments. So if you think you've never stolen anything in your entire life, this might come as a shock to you. Catch Pastor Paolo Punzalan…  Continue reading...

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