Posted December 25, 2012 under Blog

Last Sunday I spoke of the story of King Herod whom God invited to the birth of His Son. The invitation was hand carried to him by Magi from the East who inquired of him about the birth of the King of the Jews. The Bible tells us that…  Continue reading...

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Posted December 24, 2012 under Podcast

Duration: 16:%7

Our series, “RSVP,” helps us discover how each of us should respond to the real meaning of Christmas.  Continue reading...

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Posted December 21, 2012 under Blog

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Posted December 18, 2012 under Blog

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Posted December 18, 2012 under Blog

One of my all time favorite authors gives us a prayer with heaven's perspective for our broken world. Thank you Max Lucado! Dear Jesus, It's a good thing you were born at night. This world sure seems dark. I have a good eye for silver…  Continue reading...

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Posted December 17, 2012 under Blog

The tragedy of the Sandy Hook shooting will give Christmas a different feel this year not just in the United States but in many parts of the world. How could God allow something like this to happen at a time like this? And little children…  Continue reading...

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Posted December 10, 2012 under Blog

Manny Pacquiao has ascended to the very top of athleticism holding records that hold the world in envy. Last Sunday he did not just lose but he lost in bad way. Naturally the nation is saddened. Understandably so, in recent years Manny…  Continue reading...

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Posted December 10, 2012 under Blog

This post is dedicated to my friend Ardy Roberto and his wife Ting. Lately the Philippines has been in the news because of its flourishing economy. A few days ago it was featured yet again, this time for the way it celebrates Christmas. Among…  Continue reading...

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Posted December 8, 2012 under Podcast

Duration: 31:16

Our series, “RSVP,” helps us discover how each of us should respond to the real meaning of Christmas.  Continue reading...

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Posted December 1, 2012 under Blog

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